Another new bird sighting

I love it when we see new-to-us birdlife on the creek! I believe this is a male & female pair of Hooded Mergansers. Aren’t they the cutest little things?

3 years ago:

Welcome, Rudy!

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5 Responses to Another new bird sighting

  1. Twinville says:

    What striking and beautiful birds. I’ve seen these birds before only in books. How lucky you are to be able to see them in ‘person’. Wow!

  2. Deana says:

    I get so excited when I get a new species too. We just built a pond last year and have delighted over the ducks and geese stopping by. The other day my husband yelled for me to check out a new bird and it was a red winged black bird at our feeder. A first time visitor. I love your visitors…what a lovely head!

  3. twinville – I’d never seen them before, now I think they’re my new favorites!deana – we need to get a feeder up so we can have some non-water fowl. I love red winged blackbirds!

  4. Kristi says:

    Wow, What a pretty bird.Kristi

  5. Christy says:

    Those are nice looking birds. We have hundreds of red wing blackbirds, they are a feeder pest! Want me to send you all some?

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