Canon Rebel XT, 50mm lens
This is “Salmon”, our Salmon Faverolle roo.
(Original namers, aren’t we?)
He’s the lowest roo in the pecking order, and yet he’s most likely the highest maintenance bird we have.
Sunday I was headed back to the house after doing chicken chores. Ava ran over to the stack of round bales and was sniffing up Salmon. I hollered at her to get away from him, and then realized that Salmon wasn’t running away. So I went over to investigate and found that his foot was tangled in a shredded piece of bale tarp.
(Sorry, Ava. Good dog for alerting me.)
Back to the house for a pair of scissors. As I started snipping away the tarp fibers from his foot, I saw that he also had a piece of feed sack string wrapped around his foot. It had tied together two of his toes, and really constricted another toe. So I got that snipped and unwound, too.
Finally he was free. And promptly hid himself amongst the round bales, humiliated.
Even this time of year, when it seems there’s not much going on around here, something’s going on.