This weekend I got my seeds started – tomatoes, early cabbage, late cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, celery, peppers (bell, chile & jalapeno) and basil. Getting my hands in the dirt again is so good for the soul – even if that “dirt” is actually seed starting mix and comes in a bag.
I had only a couple of trays left to do when Rafe discovered me in the basement. He wanted to help. He wanted to do more than help. He wanted to do it all by himself. So I turned him loose.

He filled 2 whole trays with pots and carefully filled each one part way with seed starting mix. Then I helped him get the seeds out of the packages, and he gently placed 2 or 3 in each pot.
He claimed several of the tomato varieties that Karl & Tabitha sent us as his own.

He covered the seeds with a little more starting mix, and then sprayed each tray with water. I bottom watered each tray (with some fish emulsion mixed in), covered them with plastic wrap, and under the lights they went.
This morning he was down in the basement checking on the seeds before I was even out of bed!
When I told him his tomatoes are going to taste extra good this summer because he’s growing them himself, my little entrepreneur informed me that he’s going to sell his tomatoes.
3 years ago: