The girls & I made a Memorial Day weekend visit to Lime Springs with my parents. My grandma was born here, on her grandfather’s farm northeast of town. First we stopped at the cemetery.

A couple of my Civil War veteran ancestors are buried here…

Seneca Jayne (9th Heavy Artillery). I’m going off memory here, because I’m too lazy to dig out the genealogy stuff Grandma passed on to me right now. But I’m thinking that Seneca was Grandma’s great-great-grandfather, and that his daughter Hattie married…

George W. Chick – my grandma’s great-grandfather, also a Civil War soldier.
My grandma (Georgia Emma Metz Carter) was named after her grandmothers…

Georgia Chick Ruesink

and Emma Shierry Metz

Her grandma & grandpa Metz were divorced so they’re buried near each other – a row apart – but not together.

a sweet little stone

Grandma was a cousin to Seymour Cray, inventor of the super computer. (This is probably only interesting to me, because I’m a computer programmer.)
My favorite thing at this cemetery are the statues. (I played around with these photos using Pioneer Woman’s actions for PSE.)

This statue was imported from Italy, as a memorial for a small girl who was the area’s first automobile fatality.
I don’t know the story behind the next two but still, they’re lovely…

I think I’m going to print these three lovely ladies out and frame them.
After the cemetery, we went looking for the farm where Grandma was born using directions she’d given (2 miles east and a mile and a half north of Lime Springs) and our own foggy memories of driving out there with her years ago. We’re pretty sure we found it, but it’s hard to tell for sure because the house has been taken down since the last time we were there.
Then a visit to Lidtke Mill.

Grandma told stories of riding with her grandpa or her aunt & uncle in a horse-drawn wagon to bring grain to the mill for grinding.

It was a fun afternoon. A little bittersweet, since we used to make the trip with Grandma and I missed hearing the stories she used to tell, but it felt good to be carrying her memories on with us.
1 year ago:
A good start to a Wednesday
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