I am rooster

Hear me crow!

Soooo good looking.

Lookit me and my bad self.

3 years ago:

Our Farming Heritage – Part I

1 year ago:

Train kept-a rollin’

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6 Responses to I am rooster

  1. What a pretty rooster – and so sure of himself!!!Kris

  2. Haymaker says:

    If you need to bring him down a notch, just start whispering “coq au vin” in his tiny ear…

  3. Sea2Shore says:

    Great pictures as always;)

  4. farm mom says:

    We have a little americana rooster who’s mostly white like that. He’s got a round rusty colored spot on his breast…I’ve been calling him bullseye!! 🙂 Beautiful fellow you’ve got there. Just how many roosters do you guys have?! Have you ever had any issues with them?

  5. Twinville says:

    Handsome guy!And just looky at those super sharp and pointed dew claws (do they call them that?). Yikes!Do all your roos get along with each other?We don’t have any roos and my girls seem quite happy about that…and aren’t missing any feathers or having any bald spots.But I do have one Speckled Sussex would seems like she would make a good broody hen and it might be nice to be able to ‘grow’ some of our chickens one day……

  6. I’m not even sure how many roosters we have – at least 8! Fortunately we don’t have any problems with them. They scatter when anyone walks near.

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