And the winner is..

Oh my gosh (or “O.M.G.” as my eldest daughter would say), you guys are good! So many answers that I just couldn’t choose. I couldn’t! So I handed the laptop over to Matt and made him pick.

There were a whole lot of names that made me hungry. For chocolate. And coffee. And pie. And ice cream. I thought Aileen’s continuation of the Shakespeare theme was brilliant. Kristi’s observation that he has George Clooney eyes – how right she is! After this contest’s entry and the last one, I think Patti is jonesing for some beef 😉

So I made Matt choose, and after he hemmed and hawed (what does that even mean?) he finally went with … (drumroll please)…Bullwinkle! Thanks for the name, Carrie! A calf named after a moose – perfect!

Carrie, please email me your pick of the photos and your mailing address to themillers92 (at) osage (dot) net.

Stay tuned, another contest coming up…soon 🙂

3 years ago:

Up close and personal

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2 Responses to And the winner is..

  1. Sea2Shore says:

    Bullwinkle was a cute choice for him! Great name

  2. Patti says:

    hahah I have a freezer full of beef… I just dont’give cute names animals that are going to be killed and eaten. Naming them after food keeps things in focas ..:)

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