Hello, 2012


I love a new year. In spite of the part of me that wants to stop time so my babies will never leave me, I love the fresh start & clean slate feeling a new year brings.

I’ve been thinking about what the new year might bring here to this blog. I miss writing and taking pictures and sharing things in this space. I was looking back through some old posts circa 2008. What a treasure they are to me now! I wonder how I had time to do all that, but I sure would like to get back to it.

New Years Eve we spent in Minneapolis with some dear friends. As midnight crept up on us, we went around the room sharing one resolution for the coming year. Mine was write more.

Have you heard of the concept of one little word? For 2011 my word was “cultivate”. I chose that word because I was feeling the need to be more purposeful and mindful about my life. I liked the dual meaning of the word – a tool to help propagate growth, and a tool for removing the “weeds” that hinder growth. I highly recommend choosing a word as a new year practice. And if you’re the crafty type (or even if you’re not!) I recommend this online class. My word for 2012 is “wholehearted”. We’ll see where it takes me this year…

1 year ago:





Tutorial :: Kindle Case

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