
Can you guess who/what is moving into my garage tomorrow?

3 years ago:

My buns are burning

1 year ago:

Eating from the freezer

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9 Responses to Prepped

  1. farm mom says:

    well, I know that’s a rabbit feeder, because we’re getting ready to get bunnies ourselves. So that’s my guess. Rabbits?

  2. ~liz says:

    chicks? and if so, will they be broilers or layers?we’re getting broiler chicks for the first time ever (we have 14 layers currently) this year.

  3. Lisa says:

    Baby chicks!!!

  4. Good guesses, but so far no one has it right 🙂 Anyone else?

  5. Rose says:

    I’m spreading the love around today, bloggy love that is, so I’ve posted about your blog today. We’re ranchers and I’ve enjoyed reading about your adventures!Have a great day!!

  6. Rose says:

    oppps…my guess is lambs, bottle lambs?

  7. ~liz says:

    baby geese or ducks?

  8. farm mom says:

    Now…. please tell me Matt’s not in trouble…..does he at least get to keep the laptop? 😉

  9. Ooh — I was hoping it would be this year’s crop of chicks, but now I’m stumped! Piglets, maybe?

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