Nine, ten, a big fat hen

I wish Spring would hurry up and get here.

Just look at that reflection! I’m all muddy and bedraggled looking.

And now I’ve stooped to drinking from a pig water dish. Hurry up, Spring!

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4 Responses to Nine, ten, a big fat hen

  1. I really, really hope for your sake those pictures were taken a week or so ago – or do you still hav snow on the ground? We are in the 50’s and 60’s for now, but the tradeoff is mud. How do you manage to capture these wonderful photos?Kris

  2. Becky says:

    hehe, silly chicken

  3. Kris – they were taken just last Thursday. Most of it melted over the weekend, but this morning we got another shot of it 🙁 Today’s snow didn’t last, hooray!

  4. Twinville says:

    hehee. Great photos!

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