It just never gets old

This calf is fresh!

These are the days when I’m especially glad I work at home. When I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast this morning I glanced out the window and saw one of the younger Hereford cows in labor. A half hour later this little guy was on the ground. I grabbed the camera and ran out.

Thank goodness humans aren’t expected to get up and walk before they’re an hour old!

Cows hate me, so I stood on the other side of the fence with the row of cornstalk bales between us.

It’s gotta be here somewhere.

New calves, new piglets, new chicks – no matter the species, new babies just never get old. It’s a miracle each and every time.


It’s okay honey, try again.

Kind of like us human moms – lick ’em off and send ’em back out there!

At this point I went back in the house. Like I said, cows hate me. I figured the bonding would progress better without me sticking my camera in their business.

And when I came back out at lunch the little guy was all dried off and fluffy, nursing like a champ. Isn’t he a handsome fella? Such a nice blocky, masucline look to him.

Star took an immediate liking to him. She had to sack out for her nap right by the new baby.

2 years ago:


1 year ago:


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10 Responses to It just never gets old

  1. Nice looking calf with lots of chrome (I like them that way – Todd goes for all black). Isn’t it an awesome miracle to be able to witness year in and year out?Kris

  2. Sea2Shore says:

    He’s a handsome little calf. I didn’t see much white stuff there. Maybe it’s starting to clear up for good this time;)Reg

  3. karl says:

    a miracle in any species. congratulations, and happy birthday little guy.

  4. Lisa says:

    Awww, he’s adorable! Hey, we’re looking for a bull to date our girls…. any thoughts on leaving him intact and selling him? 🙂

  5. farm mom says:

    Awww….thanks for sharing. He’s adorable!

  6. Haymaker says:

    That is such a nice compilation of pics. I’ll be sure to show last one with Star to my daughters.

  7. Patti says:

    Cows hate you? I dont’ see why,your a farm girl born and raised.

  8. Kristi says:

    Oh that just makes my heart melt. He is so cute. I love the “I fell down pic” it’s expression reminded me of my neice when she falls, sorta like “is anyone watching should I cry or not”

  9. Kris – it certainly is :)Reg – we might actually see 50 degrees tomorrow! But I’ll believe it when I see it :)karl – thanks, and congrats on your new cow!Lisa – sorry, nope, he’s already destined for the dinner table :)Ang – he really is adorable. (He needs a name!)haymaker – I’ve more Star + calf photos to post, stay tuned!Patti – I think they’re just not as used to me as they are Matt. He can go right out there and pet that calf. As soon as I so much as walk out the door that cow is giving me the evil eye and getting all nervous.Kristi – ha ha, that’s exactly what he looks like in that pic!

  10. Twinville says:

    All the photos are precous!Thanks for capturing the moments, even if you had to sneak around like a spy behind the bales. I love how you do that and how it makes me feel like I am right there on your farm seeing everything you see.Does that make me a farm girl, too?Hope so!My favorite pic is the one with Star getting cozy with the calf.What’s his name?My kids think his name should be “Zorro”. But instead of a black mask, he’s wearing a white one. hehe

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